REC Alpha REC360AA


The REC Alpha REC360AA is a monocrystalline solar panel with a power output of 360 watts and a module efficiency of 19.5%. It is manufactured by REC Group, a leading global producer of solar panels. This panel features a black frame and backsheet that provides a sleek and modern look to the panel. Additionally, it has a special surface texturing that increases light absorption and power output.

SKU: rec-alpha-rec360aa Category: Tags: , ,


REC Alpha REC360AA solar panel

Cell type:120 half-cut cells with REC heterojunction cell technology 6 strings of 20 cells in series
Glass:3.2 mm solar glass with anti-reflection surface treatment
Backsheet:Highly resistant polymeric construction
Frame: Anodized aluminum (black)


REC solar panels feature an innovative design with high panel efficiency and power output, enabling customers to get the most out of the space used for the installation.

Combined with industry-leading product quality and the reliability of a strong and established European brand, REC solar panels are ideal for residential and commercial roofops worldwide.

Dimensions: 1721 x 1016 x 30 mm
Area: 1.75 m²
Weight: 19.5 kg


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Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the voltage rating for the Solar Panels connected to a REC Alpha REC360AA battery bank?

The voltage rating for the Solar Panels connected to a REC Alpha REC360AA battery bank will depend on the specific solar panels being used. The maximum voltage that can be safely connected to a REC Alpha REC360AA battery bank depends on the individual specifications of each solar panel and is best determined by consulting the manufacturer's recommendations or guidelines.

"How do I ensure the maximum efficiency and longevity of my REC Alpha REC360AA solar panels?"

Installation: Ensure that your REC Alpha REC360AA solar panels are installed by a certified and experienced professional. The installation should be done as per manufacturer's guidelines and local building codes to ensure maximum efficiency and longevity of the panels. Maintenance: Regularly clean the panels to remove any dirt, dust or debris that may accumulate over time. Use a soft cloth or brush with water to avoid scratching the glass surface. Ensure that the panels are not shaded by any obstructions like trees or buildings as this can significantly reduce their efficiency. Monitoring: Use monitoring tools provided by REC or third-party solutions to track the performance of your solar panels. This will help you identify any issues or degradation and address them promptly. You should also check for any visible signs of damage like cracks, discoloration or loose connections. Protection: Protect your solar panels from extreme weather conditions by installing a protective covering or enclosure during storms or heavy snowfall. This will help prevent any damage to the panels and ensure their longevity. Warranty: Ensure that you understand the warranty terms provided by REC for your Alpha REC360AA solar panels. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines regarding maintenance, installation, and usage to avoid voiding the warranty. Keep all documentation related to the purchase and installation of the solar panels for future reference. By following these steps, you can ensure maximum efficiency and longevity of your REC Alpha REC360AA solar panels.

How do I properly clean and maintain the Solar Panels on my REC Alpha REC360AA system to ensure optimal performance over time?

To clean and maintain your REC Alpha REC360AA solar panels, follow these steps:

1. Regularly inspect the panels for any damage or debris that may be affecting their efficiency. Remove any dirt, leaves, or other debris that has accumulated on the surface of the panels using a soft-bristled brush or a microfiber cloth. Clean the panels with a mixture of water and mild soap, or a specialized solar panel cleaner. Use a non-abrasive sponge or cloth to apply the cleaning solution and avoid using excessive amounts of water, as this can damage the electrical connections. Rinse the panels thoroughly with water to remove any remaining soap residue. Be sure to direct the flow of water away from the electrical connections to prevent water damage. After cleaning, allow the panels to dry completely before operating them again. Inspect the electrical connections and wiring for any signs of wear or damage. If you notice any issues, contact a qualified technician to make repairs. Check the panel mounting hardware and ensure that it is securely attached to the roof or structure where the panels are installed. Loose mounting hardware can cause the panels to shift or move, which can affect their efficiency and increase the risk of damage during high winds. Regularly monitor the performance of your solar panels using a monitoring system or a data logger. This will allow you to identify any issues with panel output early on and take corrective action before they become major problems. By following these steps, you can help ensure that your REC Alpha REC360AA solar panels continue to operate at peak efficiency over time. Regular maintenance and cleaning will also help extend the life of the panels and minimize the need for costly repairs or replacements in the future.

"How do I properly clean and maintain the Solar Panels on my REC Alpha REC360AA system to ensure optimal performance over time?"

To properly clean and maintain your REC Alpha REC360AA solar panels and ensure optimal performance over time, follow these steps:

1. Regular Inspection: Inspect the solar panels regularly for any visible damage or debris such as leaves, branches, or bird droppings that could impede their performance. Use a ladder or a specialized cleaning tool to reach higher areas. Cleaning: If there is dirt, grime, or dust accumulation on the panels, clean them with water and a soft cloth or a microfiber towel. Use a pH-neutral soap solution if necessary, but avoid using abrasive materials that could scratch the surface. Rinsing: After cleaning, rinse the panels thoroughly to remove any remaining soap or detergent. Make sure there is no soap residue on the surface that could trap dirt and accelerate the formation of stains. Drying: Allow the panels to air dry completely before turning them back on. Do not use a squeegee or a cloth to wipe off the water as this could introduce scratches. If necessary, use a blower to remove any remaining moisture. Protection: Install a protective screen or mesh over the solar panels to prevent birds and other animals from defecating on them. This will help reduce maintenance requirements and minimize stains and fouling. Maintenance Schedule: Establish a regular cleaning schedule depending on environmental conditions such as wind, pollution, and rainfall. Clean the panels at least once every six months or more frequently in areas with high airborne dust. Professional Inspection: Schedule an annual professional inspection to check the wiring, connections, and overall performance of your REC Alpha REC360AA system. This will help identify any issues early on before they escalate into major problems. By following these maintenance guidelines, you can ensure that your REC Alpha REC360AA solar panels perform at their optimal level over time, contributing to energy savings and a reduced carbon footprint.

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