Brennenstuhl Bremaxx 1169840 25m



Power Cable, Yes, Extension Cable

Brennenstuhl Bremaxx 1169840 25m properties

Product nameBremaxx 1169840 25m
TypePower Cable
Cable Length25.0 m
Area of Use (Cable)Extension Cable
Weight2683.0 g

Additional information

Product name

Product type


Cable Length

Area of Use -Cable



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Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I properly connect and use the Brennenstuhl Bremaxx 1169840 25m extension cord for outdoor events?

To connect and use the Brennenstuhl Bremaxx 1169840 25m extension cord for outdoor events, follow these steps:

1. Check the power requirements of your devices and make sure they match the voltage rating of the extension cord (in this case, it's rated for 230V). Locate a suitable power source, such as a generator or a fixed electrical outlet, to connect the extension cord to. Make sure that the power source is stable and able to provide enough power to meet your needs. Connect one end of the extension cord to the power source, ensuring that it's securely plugged in. If connecting to a fixed outlet, make sure it's rated for outdoor use and protected against weather conditions. Lay out the extension cord on a flat surface away from any trip hazards or obstacles. Avoid running it over sharp edges or through areas where it may be damaged by foot traffic. Connect your devices to the other end of the extension cord, ensuring that they're plugged in securely and not overloading the circuit. If using multiple devices simultaneously, make sure that the total power draw does not exceed the capacity of the extension cord (in this case, it can handle up to 16 amps). Ensure that all connections are tight and secure, and avoid pulling on the cords excessively to prevent damage or wear. If using the extension cord for an extended period of time, periodically check the connections and make sure that they're still secure. Also, ensure that the power source remains stable and able to provide enough power to meet your needs. When not in use, store the extension cord in a dry and protected area, away from any moisture or weather conditions. Avoid leaving it out in the open for prolonged periods of time. Regularly inspect the extension cord for any signs of damage, such as frayed wires, cracks, or loose connections. If you notice any issues, stop using the cord immediately and have it inspected by a qualified electrician.

"How do I properly assemble and connect the Brennenstuhl Bremaxx 1169840 25m extension cable for my electrical equipment?"

First, ensure that all electrical equipment is turned off and unplugged before beginning assembly. This will prevent any accidents or hazards during the process. Unpack the Brennenstuhl Bremaxx 1169840 extension cable from its packaging and lay it out on a clean and flat surface. Check that all components, including the power plug, connectors, and cable itself, are present and undamaged. Connect one end of the extension cable to your electrical equipment using the appropriate connector. Ensure that the connector fits securely into place and is properly locked in. If you're unsure about which connector to use, consult the instruction manual for your electrical equipment. Next, connect the other end of the extension cable to a power source using the power plug. Again, make sure that the connection is secure and locked in place. Carefully route the extension cable along its intended path, taking care not to create any tripping hazards or obstruct any walkways or doorways. Make sure that the cable is kept away from any sources of heat, water, or moisture. Finally, turn your electrical equipment back on and test it to ensure that it's functioning properly. If you notice any issues, double-check all connections and make sure that everything is properly locked in place. When not in use, store the Brennenstuhl Bremaxx 1169840 extension cable in a dry and cool location, away from direct sunlight or sources of heat. This will help to preserve its quality and prevent any damage or degradation over time.

"How do I properly assemble and connect the Brennenstuhl Bremaxx 1169840 25m extension lead?"

To properly assemble and connect the Brennenstuhl Bremaxx 1169840 25m extension lead, please follow these steps:

1. Firstly, ensure that the extension lead is stored in a dry place and away from any potential sources of heat or moisture to prevent damage to the cable. Inspect the extension lead for any visible signs of damage such as cuts, fraying, or exposed wires. If you notice any of these issues, do not use the extension lead and contact Brennenstuhl's customer service for assistance. Ensure that the electrical outlets you will be connecting to are compatible with the voltage rating of the extension lead (230V). Connect one end of the extension lead to the power source using a plug adapter or socket adapter that is suitable for your location's electrical standard. Ensure that the plug is inserted fully and securely into the outlet. Connect the other end of the extension lead to your equipment, such as a power tool or lighting fixture, using a suitable connector. Again, ensure that the connection is secure and properly aligned. When in use, ensure that the extension lead is not overloaded with too many devices, as this can cause damage to the cable and potentially pose a fire hazard. Do not allow the extension lead to be exposed to water or any other liquids, and do not drape it across floors, walkways, or any other areas where it may create a tripping hazard. After use, ensure that you properly store the extension lead in a safe location, away from any potential sources of heat, moisture, or damage. By following these steps, you can help ensure that your Brennenstuhl Bremaxx 1169840 25m extension lead is used safely and effectively. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact Brennenstuhl's customer service for assistance.

How do I properly store and maintain the Brennenstuhl Bremaxx 1169840 25m extension ladder to ensure its longevity?

To ensure the longevity of your Brennenstuhl Bremaxx 1169840 25m extension ladder, you should follow these storage and maintenance tips:

1. Store the ladder in a dry and covered area to prevent exposure to moisture, dust, and sunlight that could cause damage or corrosion. It's also recommended to avoid storing it near heat sources such as radiators or boilers. Clean the ladder regularly with a soft-bristled brush or a damp cloth to remove dirt, grime, and other debris. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners that could scratch or damage the surface of the ladder. Inspect the ladder for any signs of wear or damage such as cracks, splits, or loose fittings before each use. If you notice any issues, stop using the ladder immediately and contact Brennenstuhl's customer service for assistance. Adjust the height settings on the ladder according to your needs and make sure all the locking mechanisms are securely engaged to prevent accidents or falls. Use the ladder on a level surface and avoid overreaching, leaning, or using it as a scaffold. Always follow proper safety protocols such as wearing appropriate protective gear, using ladders with stabilizers or outriggers, and having someone hold the bottom of the ladder to prevent tipping. Regularly lubricate the hinges, pulleys, and other moving parts of the ladder with a silicone-based lubricant to ensure smooth operation and reduce wear and tear over time. By following these storage and maintenance tips, you can help extend the life and performance of your Brennenstuhl Bremaxx 1169840 25m extension ladder.