How to locate and disable microphone on Smart TV By Smarthomes January 5, 2022 2 In this tutorial, we will discuss methods for identifying and deactivating the mic built into popular TVs. Learn how to…
Top smartwatches with classics leather strap By Smarthomes December 29, 2020 0 Currently, the market of smart watches is dominated by products with a sports or causal character. In this article, we…
What is the Wi-Fi standard? By marta December 22, 2020 0 Wi-Fi standards define the speed and method of radio data transmission. Currently, the N (802.11n) standard with a speed of…
Top 10 security cameras in 2020 By marta December 22, 2020 3 If you’re looking for a surveillance camera, you may have a hard time choosing the right one among all the…
Types of wireless communication in activity trackers By marta December 18, 2020 0 We check the device type of your activity tracker, to find possible types of radio communication with Bluetooth. Some of…
Why smart home devices gaining popularity? By marta December 10, 2020 0 Many people are still unaware why things like the television, washing machine and toilet are still in use. But these…
Can smart watch be traced remotely? By Smarthomes November 1, 2020 8 People start wondering about their privacy. Recent spying scandals by Chinese producers or Facebook and Google affairs regarding user privacy…
Best water resistant smartphones in 2020 By marta October 30, 2020 2 When buying a phone resistant to water and dust, you no longer have to opt for armored and visually unattractive…
Best TV with built-in web browser in 2020 By marta October 30, 2020 4 A web browser gives access to web pages. It allows you to search for information, browse the web, and shop…
Top 10 TV with Spotify support By marta October 30, 2020 0 Spotify is a service that offers streaming access to tens of millions of songs. You can play Spotify directly from…