What is gas boiler efficiency – save money on energy bills

August 20, 2024 3 By Smarthomes

Gas Boiler Efficiency: Unlocking Savings in Your Energy Bills

As homeowners, we are all too familiar with the rising costs of energy bills. With the increasing prices of gas and electricity, it’s no wonder that many of us are looking for ways to reduce our consumption and lower our bills. One area where significant savings can be made is by upgrading to a more efficient gas boiler. But what exactly does “efficiency” mean in this context, and how does it impact your energy bills? In this article, we will delve into the concept of efficiency in gas boilers, exploring the differences between various models and offering insights on how to unlock savings in your energy bills.

What is Boiler Efficiency?

Boiler efficiency refers to the percentage of heat produced by a boiler that is actually transferred to the water or central heating system. In other words, it measures how effectively a boiler converts fuel into usable heat. The higher the efficiency rating, the more heat is transferred and the less energy is wasted as heat loss. Gas boilers are typically measured in terms of their seasonal space heating efficiency (SSHE), which takes into account factors such as losses due to radiation, convection, and condensation.

How Does Boiler Efficiency Relate to Energy Bills?

The relationship between boiler efficiency and energy bills is straightforward: more efficient boilers use less fuel to produce the same amount of heat. This means that you will pay less for gas and electricity over time, resulting in significant savings on your energy bills. For example, if your current boiler has an efficiency rating of 80% and you spend £1,000 per year on gas, upgrading to a 90% efficient boiler could save you around £150 per year. While this may not seem like a lot, it adds up over time and can make a significant difference in your household budget.

What is the Difference Between a 90% and an 89% Efficiency Boiler?

While the difference between a 90% and an 89% efficiency boiler may seem small, it can actually have a significant impact on your energy bills. In fact, according to the UK’s Energy Saving Trust, a boiler that is just 1% more efficient than another model can save around £10-£15 per year in fuel costs. This is because even small increases in efficiency can lead to significant reductions in heat loss and energy consumption.

Factors Affecting Boiler Efficiency

So what factors affect boiler efficiency? There are several key considerations to take into account when evaluating the performance of a gas boiler:

1. Heat Exchanger Design: The design of the heat exchanger, which is responsible for transferring heat from the combustion chamber to the water or central heating system.
2. Combustion Chamber Efficiency: The efficiency of the combustion chamber, which affects how effectively fuel is burned and converted into usable heat.
3. Insulation and Thermal Losses: The effectiveness of insulation and the minimization of thermal losses due to radiation, convection, and condensation.
4. Control Systems: Advanced control systems that optimize boiler performance and minimize energy waste.

Choosing the Right Boiler

So how do you choose the right boiler for your needs? Here are some key considerations:

1. Assess Your Energy Needs: Determine your household’s energy requirements to ensure you select a boiler that can meet them.
2. Check Efficiency Ratings: Look for boilers with high efficiency ratings, ideally above 90%.
3. Consider Advanced Features: Opt for boilers with advanced features such as condensing technology and advanced control systems.
4. Evaluate Cost and Installation: Assess the upfront cost of the boiler and installation costs to ensure they fit within your budget.


In conclusion, understanding the concept of efficiency in gas boilers is crucial to unlocking savings in your energy bills. By choosing a more efficient boiler, you can reduce your fuel consumption, lower your energy bills, and contribute to a more sustainable future. While the difference between a 90% and an 89% efficiency boiler may seem small, it can have a significant impact on your household budget over time. With this knowledge in hand, you are better equipped to make informed decisions about upgrading to a more efficient gas boiler.

Additional Resources

For more information on gas boiler efficiency and how to unlock savings in your energy bills, consider the following resources:

* The UK’s Energy Saving Trust offers guidance on how to choose an efficient gas boiler and optimize its performance.
* The Gas Safe Register provides information on the importance of regular boiler maintenance and servicing.
* The Energy Efficiency Rating website allows you to compare the efficiency ratings of different boilers.